In 2020, Many Government agencies – including the City of Gosnells – seek to place inappropriate developments in areas that should not be selected. Over many years, they have proven themselves to not deliver on their promises and still they remain unaccountable. its time the City of Gosnells delivered what it promised in 1996 when local residents fought to close the then kelvin Road Refuse facility. Forever Public open space and parklands were promised.

Here we are in July 2020 – and still no parklands.!

In 24 years it would seem nothing has changed. Local residents are still fighting the City of Gosnells – who are still pushing their unwanted agenda to build an industrial facility in the foothills Rural Greenbelt.  Their own LPS24 (local Planning Strategy) shows the land as Rural land use – NOT the industrial purpose to that which they are pushing!

An operations centre and waste transfer station SHOULD be located in an industrial zone. NOT in a rural environment such as Orange Grove..

What can you do to help? Read on, send your feedback and please help fight the bureaucrats that seek to keep you silent and push their agenda to use Rural land for industrial Purposes.  At the end of the day, its just not right!