
CoG Defer discussion on LPS24

While many people prepared to attend the Ordinary Council meeting set down for the 9th February 2021, a late email was sent on Tuesday 9th Feb to advise that the LPS24 discussion agenda item had been removed from tonights meeting.

Perhaps its because the Councillors have realised that 36 residents who raised serious concerns over the move to include 2 x new land use options to the current rural land use delegation on the old Kelvin Road tip site in an attempt to seemingly try and legitimise their current open DA for the Ops Centre and Waste transfer station.

Or perhaps it is so they can determine the outcome of their SAT hearing set down for Monday 15th February where they are challenging the WAPC decision to refuse their DA under the current TPS6.

Either way, it provides everyone with more time to email their council representative and bring to their attention that there were 40 objections to the Operations centre when it was adverised – and 0 submissions supporting it.

We strongly urge you to make you voice heard and do at least 1 of the following to make sure you have your Councilors listening;

1 Prepare an email stating the reasons you object to LPS24 having these additional uses added – and do not accept that it is a legitimate use of the land that is currently zoned as rural.

2 Prepare a deputation to present at the ordinary council meeting of 23rd February – to let your elected members know – you aren’t prepared to have your voice silenced.

3 Ask a question at the ordinary council meeting of 23rd February as to why the council persists to push the old Kelvin Road site as a preferred location for an industrial facility when it is clear it should be located at an industrial area.

Don’t sit by and miss you opportunity to have your voice heard.

The City of Gosnells needs to hear from you to know that they are doing the wrong thing. In every consultation phase they have gone through they have had increasing numbers opposing it – and they do NOT have the support of the residents and landowners of the area.

Dont let them forget that they are elected to REPRESENT you as their constituents and they exist to SERVE you.

The Administration on the other hand continues to prepare (numerous) documents for council – seemingly with a view to overlook significant issues that exist and downplay the opposition to the Ops centre as well as portions of LPS24.

Don’t give up now – on the contrary – it is time to be louder than you ever have before.

Make sure they hear your voice.

Make sure you attend the meeting on 23 February 2021, unless of course they come to their senses prior to that and give up on pushing their unwanted agenda. Don’t let it happen!

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