
CoG appeal WAPC decision

The City of Gosnells are appealing the refusal of their Operations Centre and waste transfer facility from the 8th December 2020 when the facility was officially refused and the application denied by the SPC (division of the WAPC).

However it seems the City of Gosnells now has obtained a hearing in the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) as an appeal to the decision made by WAPC. This hearing is set down for 15th February 2021.

In addition the City of Gosnells has included in its agenda for Tuesday 9th February 2021 to progress the LPS24 as a replacement for the existing TPS6. This includes the CoGs insistence to add the use of light industrial use at the old Kelvin Road tip site in amongst the Rural and Rural residential lots surrounding it. If you wish to protect yourself against the Operations Centre progressing then your efforts to protect the rural amenity of the area would be well directed in making a point of this with your local councillor(s).

The City of Gosnells seem predisposed with a fixation on the utlisation of this Kelvin Road site without ANY investigation into more appropriate industrial lots where this facility SHOULD be located. Perhaps you could ask you local council member to explain why this is the case. There has been no logical explanation offered.

During the consultation phase where they (CoG) received 40 responses to the development application (DA) – All 40 of the responses opposed the facility – and there were 0 in support of it. Yet they proceeded to WAPC with the application anyway – where it was refused – and now they push on with the same site again.

Protect your local area – protect your lifestyle and rural amenity – Don’t let it happen.

Say no to the City of Gosnells Operations Centre and Waste transfer station in Orange Grove. It doesn’t belong there.

Please attend the City of Gosnell Ordinary council meeting on 9th February and ask why they pursue this site? Hold them to account.

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