
Say No!

On 25th August the City of Gosnells began advertising its latest development application seeking feedback on its Waste transfer station, Dog pound and Operations centre to be located in Orange Grove.

The City has commenced advertising the development application for the operations centre which can be viewed at the following link:

Submissions on the development application are due by 15 September 2020. 

If you believe that this development application is not consistent with logical planning processes; does not meet the common sense test; and results in diminishing your life-style – as well as property value – then don’t forget to make your voice heard.

Oppose this development application and ask the City of Gosnells to place this facility where it should be – in an Industrial zone, not a rural one. Don’t accept second best. Please submit your opposition to this development application and make a difference.

Protect the Orange Grove rural lifestyle and the greater Foothills greenbelt. Don’t allow the City of Gosnells to make their own rules as they go. Hold them accountable.

Say NO!

Save your serenity. Don’t let it happen!

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